
7 Ways You Can Overcome the Communication Challenges of Remote IT Support

by | Jul 5, 2021 | Marketing

Being able to do things remotely thanks to the internet is convenient and saves time. Instead of having to wait on a PC service call, a customer can get help right away through remote support.

You also don’t need to have additional techs and vehicles to handle things that could be easily done without leaving your office, so it’s a win-win for everyone.

But, when you’re not there in person speaking face-to-face, some things can get lost in translation and you end up with costly miscommunication.

The average cost of miscommunication for a business is between $4,000 and $6,000 annually per person.

You can head off remote support communication challenges by putting some systems in place that help clarify each part of your remote service.

Clearly Explain Remote Support Steps & Cost on Your Website

If someone is requesting remote support for the first time, they may already be apprehensive about how this all works. You don’t want a misunderstanding about something like a remote client install to erode trust in remote support and cause someone to run away scared of a virus.

Make sure you clearly explain the steps that happen during a remote support session on your website. This includes how the installation of the client works.

Some of the things you want to communicate are:

  • That the client download and install are needed to allow you to securely connect to their PC.
  • That the software is safe.
  • That the software can be automatically removed after the session if they like.
  • The steps for installing the remote support client.
  • The expected wait time for an agent to respond to their request
  • Details on how you’ll chat with them during the session.
  • Your remote support pricing and how it’s paid (i.e., upfront, after the session ends, by credit card, by PayPal, etc.)

Use a Button to Make it Clear How to Request Support

Using a small text link to connect to remote support might be lost on some people. Connecting to a tech support provider remotely is a big deal, so your link to initiate a remote support session request should reflect that.

Put remote support as a menu item in your site navigation. Then, after you communicate how your remote support works, add a big button that the user can click to initiate the session. This will remove any confusion about the action to take to start the support session.

Use a descriptive button label, like “Start Remote Session,” “Get Remote Help Now,” or “Request a Remote Session.”

Preinstall the Remote Client on PCs You Sell or Service

You can eliminate a potentially confusing step in the communication process for users by pre-installing the remote support client on their computer when possible.

For example, you could include it on any new or refurbished computers that you sell and place a shortcut on the desktop. For service customers, you could ask if they’d like that added to save time should they need IT help in the future.

Record the Session for Clients to View Later

There’s a lot that goes on in a support session and even if a client is present at the time, they most likely won’t remember everything you did to get them out of a jam.

Use a remote support software like Instant Housecall to allow you to record each session so you can provide a copy to the client afterward. This will also save you time answering calls days later from the client asking, “What was that thing you clicked again?”

Enable Multi-Agent Calls for Two Techs to Work Collaboratively

When a technician hits a problem during a remote support session that they need help with, having to disconnect and reconnect can lead to confusion for the customer and make the entire process take longer than it needs to.

Using a remote support tool that allows you to do virtual “3-way calls” can streamline the process when another technician is needed to advise on a particularly tough problem.

This also reduces miscommunication when a customer is trying to tell another technician what the previous one did. Both techs can work collaboratively in real-time avoiding miscommunication problems.

Leave a Virtual Note or Printout for Your Client

If you’re connecting when a customer is away, they can be left wondering what you did and what was fixed if they haven’t had a chance to check email yet for a message.

Send a note at the end of the remote session letting the client know what was fixed and what the total price was. Make it visible by using a remote support tool that can print remotely and/or can leave a virtual sticky note on their computer screen. This removes the potential for confused customers calling you and asking if the remote IT work was done, and you having to track down the technician to ask.

Use SMS Alerts So You Know When a Client Needs Help

If someone clicks your remote support button and doesn’t get a response, they’re going to lose faith and might reach out to a competitor for help. Your techs can’t be everywhere at once, but they can know right away when a customer is requesting a remote session via SMS.

Enable SMS alerts that allow your team to respond quickly to a remote support request no matter where they are.
Instant Housecalls Has Multiple Features to Enhance Communications

Instant Housecall remote support software has all the features mentioned above to improve communications, and much more!

Try Instant Housecall risk-free for 15 days and experience it for yourself!


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