Nov 8, 2021 | Marketing
Do you ever feel like you’re spending time and money on lead generation, but you’re not getting the leads that are converting? Getting poor leads or ones that don’t truly need what you’re offering can frustrate any IT business owner and cause them to rethink their marketing spend.
If you’re getting leads for your remote support business, but those leads aren’t buying, then you could be missing the mark on your lead targeting. In essence, you’re casting too wide a net to bring in every type of lead there is. This results in you spending time and money responding to incoming leads, only to find out they really aren’t all that interested and not in need of what you’re offering.
Honing your lead targeting can help you reduce your number of “junk leads” and improve your conversion rate for a lead to a sale. Another benefit is a savings of both time and money because your team will be spending more of their inquiry follow-up time with people that are actually interested and can use what you’re selling.
Here are some of the questions to ask that can help you fine-tune the way you market so you can reach more qualified leads.
Do You Know Your Target Audiences?
You can’t target the right people or industries if you haven’t defined your target audiences for your remote support services.
If you’re a bit fuzzy on your exact target audiences or just think of them in general terms, such as, “Any business that wants to use our remote services,” then you haven’t narrowed down your audiences enough.
Think about things such as:
- Main industries that would need remote support
- B2B, B2C, or both?
- Customer size
- Geographic location
- Demographics (companies with remote employees, schools doing remote teaching, etc.)
A good way to get started identifying your target audiences is to look at your client list. Break down your current customers into those specifics listed above.
Once you know your target audiences, you can begin honing your marketing for them and more easily identify a hot lead from one of those audiences when it comes in.
Is The Size of the Customer Right?
Because remote support is less costly to provide than in-person IT support, you may have a wide range for the size of customers that you are targeting. However, it’s still a good idea to think about this, because if you are advertising on any social media platforms, they will have target demographics on income and company size that you can use to find the right audience.
Do They Prioritize IT?
If a lead doesn’t prioritize IT or see the value in spending much money on it, then they may be a lower priority lead or require a different message than leads that do understand how important it is to have well-optimized technology.
You can determine this through introductory questions, such as:
- “Have you ever used managed IT services?”
- “When is the last time you contacted an IT provider”
- “Do you have an IT budget, or do you just spend money on technology as needed?”
Do They Have an In-House IT Team?
If a company already has an in-house IT team, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they aren’t a good target customer, it just means that they may not need your services quite as much.
Knowing whether or not a company already has an in-house IT team or person is important because you will want to deliver a completely different remote support sales pitch to companies that have someone onsite that’s already in charge of their IT. Such as promoting your services as a way to tap into expanded expertise.
Are You Focused on the Right Marketing Mediums?
Content marketing has been found to generate three times as many leads as outbound marketing, plus cost 62% less.
If your lead generation isn’t bringing you enough qualified leads, it could be due to not using enough “pull marketing.” Content marketing is a form of pull marketing, where you are putting out helpful content for people to find on their own to be drawn to your website where they will hopefully convert to a lead.
If you are doing mainly traditional marketing, which is more advertising-focused, then you may want to add some content marketing into the mix.
Are Your Systems Set Up to Identify Your Audiences?
Do you have a way of identifying leads from your target audiences when they call or fill out an online form? Doing this upfront can help you tailor the remote support message that you provide to them.
For example, if a lead is in the accounting or banking industry, you might want to highlight the security and compliance features of your remote support software. For a small business owner, you may want to focus on how cost-effective this type of IT support can be.
Use options in a lead form and simple questions, such as, “What industry do you work in?” to identify audiences as soon as they contact you so you can nurture those leads appropriately.
Use a Remote Software That Gives You Plenty to Brag About
Instant Housecall remote support software has multiple features that include encryption, time windows, and more, that you can use when marketing to different target audiences.
Try Instant Housecall risk-free for 15 days and experience it for yourself! Try it out now.
Oct 18, 2021 | Marketing
Generating new leads is always a main priority for any business. If you have a local IT business, then it can be even more challenging because you have a smaller area from which to get new customers and competition might be stiff.
But one of the changes in society during the pandemic has been more reliance on virtual meetings and other remote activities. This opens the door to expand your presence in other areas because through remote IT support, you can pretty much reach anyone on earth.
Both internet and broadband use has risen steadily over the last 20 years. As of 2021, 93% of U.S. adults use the internet and 77% have a broadband connection at home.
By promoting your remote support services, you can generate new leads and break into new areas of service that you may have never considered before. Here are several ideas that can help you do that.
Give Your Remote Support a Catchy Name
First, to gain more traction when promoting your remote support, you should have a catchy name for your service and the different types of remote support you offer.
Calling your remote support service something like “Ninja Support” or “Magic Tech Call” makes it more memorable to people that may be reviewing several different IT businesses. It also makes it sound more special than just the generic “remote support.”
Market in Less Populated Areas
You have no geographic boundaries with remote support services like you do with in-person repairs or service calls, so you can market in other areas throughout the country.
Look for less populated areas that might not have many local IT businesses to call. With less competition, you have a better chance at generating new leads.
You can gain some traction in a less populated area by creating a remote service landing page on your website using keywords for that specific area to help it rank on Google searches. Seeing a landing page that mentions their city/area will also draw in more potential customers from that area.
Promote a Remote Support Plan for WFH Employees
The business trend of the pandemic has been the rise of the remote workforce. Companies are now completely transitioning how they operate to accommodate work-from-home (WFH) employees.
80% of surveyed business leaders say they are going to allow employees to work remotely, part or full-time after the pandemic has passed.
Remote support for remote employees is a hot area of support right now and you want to target it with its own support package. Rather than just offering the same remote support that you offer to everyone else, create a “Remote Team Support Plan” or “Instant Help Package for WFH Staff” and promote that package specifically to businesses that are working to secure those remote devices and networks.
You may even consider creating a tiered level of WFH support, for small, mid, and larger companies.
Advertise Remote Support for Students on Social Media
Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok are great places to reach students and families. Many families have switched their students to online classes due to the pandemic, which means more tech support is needed at home to ensure they can connect.
Even if students are back in traditional in-person classes, there is still a need to keep home technology running smoothly for homework and other afterschool activities.
You can generate a whole new area of leads by offering student remote support through social media advertisements targeted by demographics of your choice (e.g. household income, location, etc.).
Promote Remote Support on College Campuses
College students often live with their laptops open. They take them to classes, carry them around campus, and can easily suffer from sluggish systems and other PC problems.
If there are some college or university campuses nearby, promote your remote support services and offer a student discount. You can promote these in places like the campus newsletter and potentially on flyers around the school (check their advertising options).
You could be laying the groundwork for a lifelong customer that continues sticking with your company once they graduate and move on to their career.
Expand Your Reach Internationally
Computers, networks, and cybersecurity work in the same way no matter what country you are in. Think about expanding your remote support advertising to other countries to help grow your business.
If you don’t speak another language beyond English, there are plenty of English-speaking countries you can work with, including Australia, the UK, South Africa, New Zealand, and many others.
Offer a Short Session as a Freebie (Lead Magnet)
When promoting your remote support in a new industry or territory, you might consider offering a free short 20-30 minute session at first as a lead magnet.
This helps you get new leads in the door faster and provides you with the opportunity to continue nurturing that lead because you have their name and email address and have already made that initial connection.
Use a Remote Support Software That Helps You Reach More People Easily
Instant Housecall remote support software enables IT companies to reach more people and expand their remote business easily through multiple features.
Try Instant Housecall risk-free for 15 days and experience it for yourself! Try it out now.
Sep 20, 2021 | Marketing
One of the barriers to customers trying remote support is that they just aren’t sure how it works. They might worry about getting a virus or allowing someone into their computer to see all their “private files” they don’t want anyone to see.
Beyond the worry about security, other people might not understand all the things that can be done via remote support and that it’s just as if you were sitting at the keyboard. This lack of information can cause them to continue suffering from a slow computer until they find time to bring it into a shop when they could just get the problem solved with a remote session.
Understanding your customers’ needs as well as what barriers they may have to remote support can help you gain more remote business. Often, all it takes to dispel the resistance is to explain clearly how remote support works and keep this information prominently displayed on your remote support service page.
76% of customers expect companies to anticipate their needs.
Here are some of the ways to explain how remote support works to your customers to gain their trust and improve your remote support profitability.
Start With the Basics of “What Is Remote Access?”
You can’t assume everyone will be familiar with the remote access protocol. Most people will be familiar with the term, but not really know what it means.
Here’s a simple basic explanation you can use:
Remote access provides an IT professional with the ability to control one computer from another computer. It’s termed “remote” because the controller doesn’t need to be in the same physical location, the connection is done over the internet.
Both computers do need to have an internet connection for remote access to work.
Remote access allows the controller to use their own mouse and keyboard to perform functions on the connected computer, such as opening applications, typing, adjusting system settings, and even rebooting.
Explain How You Secure the Connection
A big fear with remote access is security. You can’t just assume that someone will know that a respected IT professional like you isn’t going to do anything nefarious when you initiate a connection. You need to be very clear about how you protect the client and their files during the remote process.
The key is that it’s vital to build trust for your remote services.
Here are some of the bullet points you can use to emphasize how you protect the client’s privacy. The technical features noted are available with Instant Housecall software but might differ depending on the application you use.
Suggested security bullet points:
- We use 256-bit encryption to ensure data security
- Sessions are recorded to ensure the quality of service
- We secure our account with multi-factor authentication
- Our professionals will never access any files unnecessary to fix your problem
- We have complete audit trails of all remote sessions
- You can watch us work if you like
- Once we end the session, we can’t reconnect to your PC, unless you’ve given permission
- You can give us a connection time window, and once that expires, we can’t reconnect
If you work with clients that have compliance needs, then mention compliance-related points as well.
Explain What You Can Do Through Remote Support
Customers often are in the dark about all the things that can be done through a remote support session. Once they realize how much a technician can do without being in the same room, you may find they initiate more remote support requests.
Provide a list of the types of things you can do via remote support. Start with some of the most common based upon your experience and include others that people might not think about.
You can include things like:
- Computer performance tune-up
- Technical troubleshooting
- Virus/malware removal
- Set up of custom PC settings
- Help with software, like an email program
- Review of security to ensure it’s set up properly
- Retrieval of lost files
Also, tell them what you can’t do. While it may seem obvious, it’s still a good idea to spell out the limitations. This helps the customer decide whether they want to request a remote session or visit your location with their device.
For things that can’t be done through remote support, you’ll be including things like hardware repair, fan servicing, memory upgrades, keyboard repair, etc.
Tell Customers Why They Benefit from Remote Support
Why should customers choose remote support over an in-person visit? Explaining the advantages is another way to help people that visit your website understand what remote support is.
Some of the advantages you can highlight include:
- Convenience
- Speed of support
- Lower cost than an in-person visit
- For many issues, it’s just as effective as in-person support
- Saves them time
Use a Remote Support Software that Puts Your Customers at Ease
Instant Housecall remote support software is designed to be easy to use for both your technicians and your customers. The security plus customer-centric features help you create a positive experience that keeps remote customers coming back.
Try Instant Housecall risk-free for 15 days and experience it for yourself! Try it out now.
Sep 6, 2021 | Marketing
The change in the workforce from a mainly “in office” model to remote and hybrid models has opened up an entirely new avenue for remote support sales for MSP companies.
It’s estimated that at the end of 2020, approximately 59% of the U.S. workforce was working remotely anywhere between 1 to 5 days per week.
It’s no secret that when employees aren’t working on the same network in the same building that data security becomes much more complicated. Many organizations haven’t yet connected the dots to just how much an unprotected remote team can put them at risk of a compliance breach.
IT business remote support and remote MSP services are a perfect fix for many of the compliance risks that a remote and hybrid team can bring. Here’s how to drive that point home to clients you may have with compliance needs, such as medical facilities, accounting firms, financial firms, retailers, and others.
There are Higher Security Risks with Remote Employees
Just saying that remote employees are at a higher risk for cybersecurity, doesn’t drive the point home as much as giving statistics that back up the point.
Use some examples or stats that illustrate the dangers of remote teams not having security properly addressed.
Here are some that you can use:
- 58% of organizations predict that remote workers will make them more vulnerable to a data breach.
- Approximately 20% of organizations have reported a data breach due to a remote worker during the pandemic.
- 30% of remote workers admit to allowing someone else to use their work device.
Remote Support Can Be Compliant With HIPAA & Other Data Privacy Guidelines
If you’re looking to gain more business from organizations that worry about data privacy compliance, then you want your marketing to emphasize your remote support being HIPAA compliant, PCI compliant, etc.
Highlight the security you use to build trust in the remote support process. Tie that into compliance factors to give potential clients a full picture of what you can offer to reduce their risk.
Include details on encryption for your remote support connections and include a link to your firm’s data privacy policy.
Cite your experience with compliance in general and how your remote support is an extension of that.
Many WFH Employees Are Using Personal Devices
One compliance nightmare is the thought of data getting exposed because it’s on a WFH employee’s personal device that can be accessed by someone else.
Approximately 69% of surveyed remote workers are using personal devices for work activities. This leaves things like PII, access to patient records, patient billing information, etc. at risk of being involved in a compliance violation.
Explain how your company can use remote managed support to monitor devices, “wall off” company files and put systems in place that secure logins to company cloud storage to keep sensitive files from being exposed.
Non-Compliance Fines Can be Stiff
One accidental exposure of sensitive client or patient data by a remote worker can mean stiff fines. Providing details on the types of fines companies can face, puts the value of your remote managed IT services into perspective.
For example, HIPAA violations range from $100 to $50,000 per violation. A single patient record being exposed can be considered one violation.
Remote Support Provides an IT “Lifeline” to WFH Staff
When employees are working remotely, they can feel isolated from their team. Instead of asking a supervisor or colleague about a questionable email, they may just click the link without thinking.
You can emphasize to your prospects that remote-managed IT support gives a “lifeline” to remote team members. They have a resource they can go to if they have any questions about potential phishing emails. Likewise, if their system is acting up and they know they have someone to call, it can be looked at right away to ensure it’s not a virus or hacker.
Ongoing Remote Management Can Solve Many Security Worries
Promote how your remote support services package multiple safeguards together. You can continually monitor systems to ensure no threats are present, as well as keep updates and patches installed in a timely manner.
The speed of remote support also means that any technical issues are looked at right away and addressed before they can cause a large problem.
With HIPAA and other data privacy standards, the effort an organization puts into protecting data is taken into consideration in the case of any breach. Using managed remote support both mitigates issues and is proof of taking appropriate measures to protect data that are collected and stored.
Make Promoting Your Remote Support Easier With Instant Housecall Software
Instant Housecall remote support software has multiple security features that make promoting your compliance-friendly remote services a “slam dunk.”
Try Instant Housecall risk-free for 15 days and experience it for yourself! Try it out now.
Jul 5, 2021 | Marketing
Being able to do things remotely thanks to the internet is convenient and saves time. Instead of having to wait on a PC service call, a customer can get help right away through remote support.
You also don’t need to have additional techs and vehicles to handle things that could be easily done without leaving your office, so it’s a win-win for everyone.
But, when you’re not there in person speaking face-to-face, some things can get lost in translation and you end up with costly miscommunication.
The average cost of miscommunication for a business is between $4,000 and $6,000 annually per person.
You can head off remote support communication challenges by putting some systems in place that help clarify each part of your remote service.
Clearly Explain Remote Support Steps & Cost on Your Website
If someone is requesting remote support for the first time, they may already be apprehensive about how this all works. You don’t want a misunderstanding about something like a remote client install to erode trust in remote support and cause someone to run away scared of a virus.
Make sure you clearly explain the steps that happen during a remote support session on your website. This includes how the installation of the client works.
Some of the things you want to communicate are:
- That the client download and install are needed to allow you to securely connect to their PC.
- That the software is safe.
- That the software can be automatically removed after the session if they like.
- The steps for installing the remote support client.
- The expected wait time for an agent to respond to their request
- Details on how you’ll chat with them during the session.
- Your remote support pricing and how it’s paid (i.e., upfront, after the session ends, by credit card, by PayPal, etc.)
Use a Button to Make it Clear How to Request Support
Using a small text link to connect to remote support might be lost on some people. Connecting to a tech support provider remotely is a big deal, so your link to initiate a remote support session request should reflect that.
Put remote support as a menu item in your site navigation. Then, after you communicate how your remote support works, add a big button that the user can click to initiate the session. This will remove any confusion about the action to take to start the support session.
Use a descriptive button label, like “Start Remote Session,” “Get Remote Help Now,” or “Request a Remote Session.”
Preinstall the Remote Client on PCs You Sell or Service
You can eliminate a potentially confusing step in the communication process for users by pre-installing the remote support client on their computer when possible.
For example, you could include it on any new or refurbished computers that you sell and place a shortcut on the desktop. For service customers, you could ask if they’d like that added to save time should they need IT help in the future.
Record the Session for Clients to View Later
There’s a lot that goes on in a support session and even if a client is present at the time, they most likely won’t remember everything you did to get them out of a jam.
Use a remote support software like Instant Housecall to allow you to record each session so you can provide a copy to the client afterward. This will also save you time answering calls days later from the client asking, “What was that thing you clicked again?”
Enable Multi-Agent Calls for Two Techs to Work Collaboratively
When a technician hits a problem during a remote support session that they need help with, having to disconnect and reconnect can lead to confusion for the customer and make the entire process take longer than it needs to.
Using a remote support tool that allows you to do virtual “3-way calls” can streamline the process when another technician is needed to advise on a particularly tough problem.
This also reduces miscommunication when a customer is trying to tell another technician what the previous one did. Both techs can work collaboratively in real-time avoiding miscommunication problems.
Leave a Virtual Note or Printout for Your Client
If you’re connecting when a customer is away, they can be left wondering what you did and what was fixed if they haven’t had a chance to check email yet for a message.
Send a note at the end of the remote session letting the client know what was fixed and what the total price was. Make it visible by using a remote support tool that can print remotely and/or can leave a virtual sticky note on their computer screen. This removes the potential for confused customers calling you and asking if the remote IT work was done, and you having to track down the technician to ask.
Use SMS Alerts So You Know When a Client Needs Help
If someone clicks your remote support button and doesn’t get a response, they’re going to lose faith and might reach out to a competitor for help. Your techs can’t be everywhere at once, but they can know right away when a customer is requesting a remote session via SMS.
Enable SMS alerts that allow your team to respond quickly to a remote support request no matter where they are.
Instant Housecalls Has Multiple Features to Enhance Communications
Instant Housecall remote support software has all the features mentioned above to improve communications, and much more!
Try Instant Housecall risk-free for 15 days and experience it for yourself!
Jun 7, 2021 | Marketing
One thing that can hold people back from using remote support services is that they’re afraid of having someone open a connection to their PC.
They may think, “Is this opening a ‘back door’ that can be used later for stealing my information?” Or… “Are they going to be able to see all my browsing history and personal photos?”
In the case of a business client, they may wonder the same types of things about data security and whether opening a remote portal will somehow leave them at risk, even if it’s not from you, but from a hacker that later finds that portal.
Remote support is only going to grow as a portion of an MSP and IT business owner’s revenue. According to a survey by Gartner, 80% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely at least part-time post-pandemic, and 47% of them plan to enable full-time work-from-home employees.
Tips for Marketing the Safety & Security of Your Remote Support
Marketing your remote support services successfully should include addressing how to let customers know remote support is safe. Getting past this major barrier can keep you from losing potential business and help your company take advantage of the remote working trend.
Highlight the One-Time Connection
You can help alleviate fears that unscrupulous hackers will find your connection “portal” and use it to continue connecting to a PC after the support call by noting how one-time connections work.
When marketing remote support for one-time support calls (not ongoing MSP monitoring) emphasize the “one-and-done” nature of your support software.
When people know that you can only connect one time, unless they give you permission otherwise, it alleviates fears of an ongoing IT security weakness that might cause a breach later.
Use easy-to-understand terms, such as the Time Window. Explain that customers can open up a time window of their choosing for up to 12 hours and that the “portal” closes and can’t be reopened beyond that window.
Address the Remote Support Scam Element
A customer might not come out and say it, but in the back of their mind, they may be wondering about all those “Microsoft support” scams they’ve heard about online. This can cause them to be tentative about contacting you for remote support.
Address the elephant in the room and get it out of the way by including a note on your remote support page that speaks to the differences between your service and those unscrupulous support scams.
Here are some ideas:
- We never call you unsolicited and ask to connect (unlike those scams).
- You can see us in person at our shop, so you know who is assisting you virtually.
- We’ve been a trusted (name of city) fixture for x years (we’re not a stranger).
Promote the Security In Common Terms
It’s important to not just say that you use 256-bit SSL encryption but to explain what that means beyond the “techie term” that a layperson may not know.
For example, you might say, “Our remote support connections use 256-bit SSL encryption, which is one of the most secure encryption methods used worldwide. Hackers would need to guess 256 separate bits of information to try to crack the encryption. According to experts, that would take millions of years to hack.”
Now, you’ve translated the encryption standard into common terms that everyone can understand. Their takeaway is that your remote support can’t be hacked unless a hacker has a few million years to try.
Include Social Proof
No matter what you’re selling, social proof is important. This means having testimonials and quotes from other customers.
78% of people trust online reviews as much as they do a personal recommendation from friends or family. So, adding a quote from a few other customers about how great your remote support is, can make someone else feel better about using it (e.g., “If that accounting firm is okay using their remote support, then I guess it really is secure.”)
Mention Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Another security protocol you want to highlight is multi-factor authentication. If you’re using a tool like Instant Housecall with MFA support, it goes a long way towards alleviating any security concerns about a hacker being able to somehow exploit the remote connection.
Go beyond just saying you use MFA and explain what that means:
“Technicians need to enter a code that is sent only to our company cell numbers before they can log in. This keeps hackers from accessing remote support connections because they don’t have access to the MFA code.”
Use a Remote Support Software With Rock-Solid Security
Instant Housecall remote support software incorporates multiple security standards you can market to your customers, including a time window, 256-bit encryption, and MFA.
Try Instant Housecall risk-free for 15 days and experience it for yourself!
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